
About Webster

Webster is located at 2519 Elm Street in Manchester's north end. We have approximately 400 students housed in two connected buildings. One built in 1940, and the other in 1970. We service a diverse student population that includes students from nineteen different countries who speak fourteen different languages. The Webster staff is committed to meeting the individual needs of each child. We have high expectations of all students and strive to ensure each child meets a level of success consistent with their abilities. This is best accomplished with assistance and cooperation of parents. Webster has a long history of positive parental involvement and you are encouraged to be actively involved in your child's education. Parents are invited to attend the annual progress report conference in the fall of each year, however, additional conferences may be arranged at either parental or teacher request. Additionally, Webster has a very active PTO. The members support our school both financially and with volunteer services. They are very much part of the vibrant learning community that is Webster School.

Webster School
2519 Elm Street
Manchester, NH 03104

Phone: (603) 624-6344
Fax: (603) 628-6059

Principal: Megan Canning

Assistant Principal: Emily LaCroix

Administrative Assistant: Kimberly Gagnon