Name of Policy | No. | Section |
Administration Goals | 100 | Administration |
School Superintendent | 101 | Administration |
Appointment of Superintendent | 102 | Administration |
Superintendent Development Opportunities | 103 | Administration |
Evaluation of the Superintendent | 104 | Administration |
Line and Staff Relations | 105 | Administration |
School Building Administration | 106 | Administration |
School Principals | 107 | Administration |
Building Principal Evaluation | 108 | Administration |
Development of Regulations | 110 | Administration |
Board Review of Regulations | 111 | Administration |
Administration in Policy Absence | 112 | Administration |
Approval of Handbooks and Directives | 114 | Administration |
Treatment of External Reports | 115 | Administration |
Athletics Program | 116 | Administration |
Diversity Policy | 117 | Administration |
Service Animals in the Schools | 159 | Administration |
Facilities Projections | 200 | Administration |
Facilities Educational Specifications | 201 | Administration |
Facilities Selection of a Licensed Architect | 202 | Administration |
Facilities Site Acquisition Procedure | 203 | Administration |
Facilities Dedication and Naming of Facilities | 204 | Administration |
Facilities Energy Policy | 205 | Administration |
Temporary Salary Adjustments (Stipends) | 206 | Administration |
Adjustment in Compensation for Coordinator | 207 | Administration |
Indoor Air Quality | 209 | Administration |
Therapy Animals in the Schools | 210 | Administration |
Inter-Organization Relations | 100 | Agency |
Relations with Education Research Agencies | 101 | Agency |
Student-Teaching and Internships | 102 | Agency |
Alternative Methods for Completing High School Graduation | 103 | Agency |
Legislative Representative to New Hampshire School Board Association | 104 | Agency |
Non-Educational Non-Academic Questionnaire, Surveys, & Research | 105 | Agency |
School Board Operational Goals | 100 | BOSC |
School Board Self-Evaluation | 100.1 | BOSC |
School Board Policies | 101.1 | BOSC |
Board Member Authority | 102 | BOSC |
Substantive Duties | 102.1 | BOSC |
Board Contact with District Professional Advisors | 103 | BOSC |
Board Member Code of Ethics | 104 | BOSC |
Board-Superintendent Relationship | 105 | BOSC |
Administration in Policy Absence | 106 | BOSC |
New Board Member Orientation | 110 | BOSC |
Board Member Development Opportunities | 111 | BOSC |
Board Member Conferences, Conventions, and Workshops | 112 | BOSC |
Board Member Indemnification | 113 | BOSC |
School Board Legislative Program | 114 | BOSC |
Liaison with School Board Associations | 115 | BOSC |
Board Member Conflict of Interest Policy | 116 | BOSC |
Board Meeting Minutes | 117 | BOSC |
Community Involvement in Decision-Making | 100 | Community |
Title I Family and Community Engagement | 100.2 | Community |
Public Information Program | 101 | Community |
School, Family, and Community Partnerships | 101.1 | Community |
Public Information Dissemination | 102 | Community |
Public Concerns and Complaints | 103 | Community |
Facilities or Services - Grievance Procedures (Section 504) | 103.1 | Community |
Public Conduct on School Property Assaults | 107 | Community |
Product Sales in the Schools | 109 | Community |
Advertising and Sponsorships in Schools | 110 | Community |
Visitors to the Schools | 111 | Community |
Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities | 112 | Community |
Senior Citizens Privileges | 113 | Community |
The Manchester School District Parent, Teacher, or Booster Organization | 114 | Community |
Annual Surveys to Parents | 115 | Community |
Media Relations | 116 | Community |
Fiscal Management Goals Priority Objectives | 100 | Fiscal |
Annual Budget | 101 | Fiscal |
Fiscal Year | 102 | Fiscal |
Budget Planning, Preparations, and Schedules | 103 | Fiscal |
Budget Implementation | 104 | Fiscal |
Budget Transfers | 105 | Fiscal |
Funding Proposals, Grants, and Special Projects | 106 | Fiscal |
Funds from Local Tax Sources | 107 | Fiscal |
Revenues from Investments | 108 | Fiscal |
Employee Crowd Funding | 108.1 | Fiscal |
Custodian of Funds | 109 | Fiscal |
Authorized Signatures | 110 | Fiscal |
Bonded Employees and Officers | 111 | Fiscal |
Fiscal Accounting and Reporting | 112 | Fiscal |
Inventories | 113 | Fiscal |
Audits Financial Monitoring | 114 | Fiscal |
Purchasing | 115 | Fiscal |
Purchasing Procedures | 116 | Fiscal |
Petty Cash Accounts | 117 | Fiscal |
Cooperative Purchasing | 118 | Fiscal |
Bidding Procedures | 119 | Fiscal |
Local Competitive Purchasing | 120 | Fiscal |
Vendor Relations | 121 | Fiscal |
Payroll Procedures Schedules | 122 | Fiscal |
Cash in School Buildings | 123 | Fiscal |
School Properties Disposition | 124 | Fiscal |
Contracts | 125 | Fiscal |
Vending Machines | 126 | Fiscal |
Gifts Donations | 127 | Fiscal |
Copying and Research Fees | 128 | Fiscal |
Appendix Copying and Research Fees Regulations | 128R | Fiscal |
Meal Charging Policy | 129 | Fiscal |
Federal Funds Policies and Procedures | 130 | Fiscal |
Risk Management | 131 | Fiscal |
Volunteer Involvement | 100 | Foundations |
District Equity Policy [ACA - District Equity Policy] | 101 | Foundations |
Non-Discrimination | 101.2 | Foundations |
Procedural Safeguards Non-Discrimination | 101.3 | Foundations |
Drug-Free Workplace and Schools | 102 | Foundations |
Nondiscrimination Equal Opportunity | 103 | Foundations |
Tobacco Products Ban | 104 | Foundations |
Philosophy of the School District | 105 | Foundations |
Accountability | 106 | Foundations |
Hiring Priorities and Determining Staff Needs | H100 | Hiring |
Selection and Appointment of Educational Leaders | H101 | Hiring |
Academic Freedom | 101 | Instruction |
End of Academic Year | 102 | Instruction |
School Calendar | 103 | Instruction |
Curriculum Development | 104 | Instruction |
Curriculum Management | 104.1 | Instruction |
Student Assessment | 104.2 | Instruction |
Assessment of Educational Programs | 104.3 | Instruction |
Curriculum Adoption | 105 | Instruction |
Physical Education | 106 | Instruction |
Physical Education Credit for School Affiliated Sports | 106.1 | Instruction |
Character and Citizenship Education | 107 | Instruction |
Teaching About Religion | 108 | Instruction |
Teaching About Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco | 109 | Instruction |
HIV AIDS Policy | 110 | Instruction |
Meeting the Instructional Needs of Students with Different Talents | 111 | Instruction |
Programs for Students with Disabilities | 112 | Instruction |
Parenting Married Pregnant Students | 113 | Instruction |
Home Instruction Students | 114 | Instruction |
Equity in Determining Grade Placement and Credit | 115 | Instruction |
Summer School Program | 116 | Instruction |
Promotion and Retention Policy | 117 | Instruction |
Reten III 5-13 | 117 | Instruction |
Reten I 5-13 | 117 | Instruction |
Reten II 5-13 | 117 | Instruction |
Instruction Materials | 118 | Instruction |
Use of Artificial Intelligence, Videos, DVDs, Supplemental Electronic Resources | 118.1 | Instruction |
Equitable Access to High Standards | 119 | Instruction |
Delivering of Courses in the Manchester School District | 119a | Instruction |
K-3 Minimum Reading Instruction | 120 | Instruction |
Field Trips and Approved Excursions | 122 | Instruction |
Vacation Tours Trips | 123 | Instruction |
Background Checks for Volunteers - REPEALED | 124 | Instruction |
Middle and High School Grading System | 125 | Instruction |
Homework | 126 | Instruction |
High School Promotion Requirements | 127 | Instruction |
High School Graduation Competencies | 127.1 | Instruction |
Credits for Graduation | 128 | Instruction |
Interdisciplinary Credit to Meet Graduation Requirements | 128.1 | Instruction |
Eligibility for Certificate of Completion or Modified Curriculum Diploma | 128.2 | Instruction |
Eligibility for Diploma with Distinction | 128.3 | Instruction |
Earning of Credit | 128.4 | Instruction |
Determination of Class Rank | 129 | Instruction |
Early Graduation | 130 | Instruction |
Alternative Methods for Completing High School Graduation Requirement Awarding College University Credits | 131 | Instruction |
Alternative Credit Options | 131.1 | Instruction |
Extended Learning Opportunities | 131.2 | Instruction |
Online Virtual Education | 131.3 | Instruction |
High School Credit for Middle School Students | 131.4 | Instruction |
Dual and Concurrent Enrollment Program Governors Stem Partnership Program | 131.5 | Instruction |
Alternative Learning Plans | 131.6 | Instruction |
Summer Activities | 131.7 | Instruction |
Adult Education Program | 132 | Instruction |
Outside Speakers at High School Commencement Exercises | 133 | Instruction |
Awards and Scholarships | 134 | Instruction |
Evaluation of Instructional Programs | 135 | Instruction |
Teachers Teaching Their Own Children | 136 | Instruction |
Outside Resource Speakers and Programs | 138 | Instruction |
Pledge of Allegiance | 139 | Instruction |
Patriotic Exercises | 140 | Instruction |
Prior Program Approval | 141 | Instruction |
Evaluation Policy 6-24-13 | 143 | Instruction |
Appendix | 143R | Instruction |
Student Evaluation for Specific Learning Disability | 143 | Instruction |
Exceptions to the Use of Specific Course Materials | 145 | Instruction |
Tutoring | 146 | Instruction |
1-1 Computing Devices in Manchester Schools | 147 | Instruction |
Web Tools and Social Media Policy | 148 | Instruction |
High School Class Size and Course Availability | 149 | Instruction |
State and District Assessment of Parental Opt Out | 150 | Instruction |
Heath Education and Exemption from Instruction | 151 | Instruction |
Limited English Language Proficiency Instruction | 152 | Instruction |
Personnel Goals Priority Objectives | 100 | Personnel |
Staff Selection and Hiring Process | 100.1 | Personnel |
Appendix Staff Selection and Hiring Process | 100.1R | Personnel |
Verification of Employment References | 101 | Personnel |
Harassment of Employees | 102 | Personnel |
Employee Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure | 102-R1 | Personnel |
Harassment of Employees - Employee Sex Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Procedure | 102-R2 | Personnel |
Appendix | 102R | Personnel |
Background Checks for Volunteers - REPEALED | 103 | Personnel |
Confidentiality | 104 | Personnel |
Gifts to and Solicitations of Staff | 105 | Personnel |
Tobacco Products | 107 | Personnel |
Staff Health | 109 | Personnel |
HIV AIDS Policy | 110 | Personnel |
Personnel Records and Files | 111 | Personnel |
Pay Benefit Coverage for Employees Called to Active Duty | 114.1 | Personnel |
Recruiting of Administrative Staff | 115 | Personnel |
Professional Staff Orientation and Training | 118 | Personnel |
Professional Staff Development Opportunities | 119 | Personnel |
Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers | 121 | Personnel |
Evaluation of Professional Staff | 123 | Personnel |
Registration of Instructional Staff | 124 | Personnel |
Retirement of Professional Staff | 125 | Personnel |
Non-School Employment of Professional Staff | 126 | Personnel |
Support Staff Hiring | 129 | Personnel |
Athletic Team Coaches | 129.2 | Personnel |
Medical Examinations of School Personnel | 130 | Personnel |
Professional Leave Requests | 131 | Personnel |
Employee Job Actions | 200 | Personnel |
Unauthorized Employee Absences | 201 | Personnel |
Dress Code for All Manchester School District Staff | 203 | Personnel |
Compensation for Part-Time Positions | 205 | Personnel |
Compensation for Critical Shortage Vacancies | 205 | Personnel |
Paraprofessional Safety Guidelines | 206 | Personnel |
Nondiscrimination Equal Opportunity | 207 | Personnel |
Employee Professional Ethics | 208 | Personnel |
Employee Anti-Harrassment and Violence Prevention | 209 | Personnel |
Annual Survey to Employees | 210 | Personnel |
Safety Program Joint Loss Management Committee | 100 | Safety |
School Safety | 100.1 | Safety |
Accident Reports | 101 | Safety |
Emergency Care and First Aid | 102 | Safety |
Emergency Plans | 103 | Safety |
Fire Drills | 104 | Safety |
Bomb Threats | 105 | Safety |
School Closings and Cancellations | 106 | Safety |
Building and Grounds Management | 108 | Safety |
Buildings and Grounds Security Trespassing | 109 | Safety |
Vandalism | 110 | Safety |
Student Parking | 111 | Safety |
Authorized Use of School-Owned Materials Equipment | 112 | Safety |
School Bus Safety Program | 114 | Safety |
Special use of School Buses | 117 | Safety |
Free and Reduced Price Food Services | 119 | Safety |
Video and Audio Recording in School Classrooms | 121 | Safety |
Copyright Compliance | 122 | Safety |
Required School Records | 123 | Safety |
Data Management | 124 | Safety |
Data Breech | 125 | Safety |
Records Retention | 126 | Safety |
Data Records Retention Statement | 126.2 | Safety |
Safety Intervention Policy | 127 | Safety |
Suicide Prevention Policy | 127A | Safety |
Wellness and Nutrition Policy | 128 | Safety |
Bloodborne Pathogens | 129 | Safety |
Building Access and Security | 130 | Safety |
Concussion Head Injury Policy | 131 | Safety |
Employee and Visitor Identification Badge | 133 | Safety |
Standards for the Protection of Personal Information of Staff and Students | 134 | Safety |
Drug-Free Workplace and Schools GBEC | 135 | Safety |
Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Process Policy | 136 | Safety |
Communicable and Infectious Disease | 137 | Safety |
Pandemic/Epidemic Response | 138 | Safety |
Student Identification Cards | 139 | Safety |
Student Harassment | 100 | Students |
Harassment of Students - Student Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure | 100-R1 | Students |
Harassment of Students - Student Sex Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Procedure | 100-R2 | Students |
Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students | 100.1 | Students |
Compulsory Attendance Age | 101 | Students |
Attendance Policy | 101.1 | Students |
Appendix Attendance Policy Regulations | 101.1R | Students |
Perfect Attendance | 101.2 | Students |
Entrance Age Requirements | 102 | Students |
Age Requirements for Educationally Disabled Students | 103 | Students |
Manifest Educational Hardship | 104 | Students |
Change of School or Assignment | 104.1 | Students |
Admission of Resident Students | 105 | Students |
Homeless Students | 105.1 | Students |
Admission and Tuition of Nonresident Students | 106 | Students |
Admission of Foreign Exchange Students | 107 | Students |
Student Absences | 108 | Students |
Release of Students | 111 | Students |
Student Rights and Responsibilities | 112 | Students |
Student Due Process Rights | 113 | Students |
Student Involvement in Decision Making | 114 | Students |
Non-Voting Student School Board Members | 114.1 | Students |
Student Government | 115 | Students |
Student Discipline and Due Process | 116 | Students |
Expectations for Students in Athletics, Extracurricular, and Co-Curricular Activities | 116.1 | Students |
Physical Restraint Forms 4-9-13 | 116.2 | Students |
Use of Child Restraint and Seclusion | 116.2 | Students |
Student Dress Code | 117 | Students |
School Uniforms for Students | 117.1 | Students |
Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention Policy Bullying | 118 | Students |
Student Conduct in School Safe-School Zone | 120 | Students |
Student Publications | 122 | Students |
Student Productions | 123 | Students |
Gang Activity Secret Societies Group Affiliations | 124 | Students |
Student Hazing | 125 | Students |
Tobacco Products Ban | 126 | Students |
Dangerous Weapons on School Property | 128 | Students |
Responsible Use of Technology in Schools | 129.1 | Students |
Students 129.2 Recording Remote Classroom | 129.2 | Students |
Pregnant Students | 130 | Students |
Student Organizations and Activities | 133 | Students |
Fund-Raising Activities | 134 | Students |
Student Activities Fund Management | 135 | Students |
Non-School Sponsored Contests for Students | 136 | Students |
Student Insurance | 139 | Students |
Student Health Services | 140 | Students |
Administering Medication to Students | 140.1 | Students |
Student Physical Examinations | 141 | Students |
Immunization | 142 | Students |
Pediculosis Capitis (Head Lice) | 143 | Students |
Bed Bug Policy | 143.1 | Students |
Special Education Evaluation | 143.2 | Students |
HIV AIDS Policy | 144 | Students |
Daily Physical Activity | 145 | Students |
Special Physical Heath Needs of Students | 145.1 | Students |
Behavior Management and Intervention | 145.2 | Students |
Reporting Child Abuse Neglect | 147 | Students |
Awards and Scholarships | 149 | Students |
Student Records and Access | 151 | Students |
School Photography | 152 | Students |
Animals in Schools | 153 | Students |
Performing Groups Playing at Political Functions | 154 | Students |
Food Allergy Protocol | 155 | Students |
Skateboard Policy | 156 | Students |
Interscholastic Athletics Policy | 157 | Students |
Recruiter Access to Students | 158 | Students |
Performing Groups Participation in Parades and Outdoor Events | 159 | Students |
Scholarship Awards | 160 | Students |
Participation in Public School Activities by Home Educated, Charter, and Non-Public Pupils | 162 | Students |
Lockers | 163 | Students |
Student I.D. Cards | 164 | Students |
High School Late Arrival and or Early Release | 165 | Students |
Student Transportation | 100 | Transportation |
Recording Devices on School Buses | 101 | Transportation |
Mandatory Drug and Alcohol Testing School Bus Driver | 102 | Transportation |
Student Code of Conduct | | |