MSD Policies


101 School Superintendent

[CB: School Superintendent]

The duties of the Superintendent are defined in their contract of employment, Board policies, state statutes and the New Hampshire Department of Education Rules.

The Board expects that the Superintendent, as the chief executive officer, is responsible for:

1.    The execution of board policies;

2.    The management of the work of all school departments, the duties of which, apart from those required by law, the Superintendent shall assign;

3.    The observance of all board policies by all those persons employed by the district; and,

4.    The enforcement of all provisions of the law relating to the operation of the schools or other educational, social and recreational agencies, or activities under the charge of the board.

Regulatory Reference:

N.H. Code of Administrative Rules

Section Ed. 302.02 (Substantive Duties of Superintendent)

History:  Revised from January 8, 2001

First Reading Policy Committee: October 18, 2023

Second Reading and Approval BOSC: October 23, 2023