MSD Policies
104 Evaluation of the Superintendent
[CBI: Evaluation of the Superintendent]
The Board of School Committee shall evaluate the superintendent on an annual basis. The purpose of this evaluation process is to:
Assess and enhance the performance of the Superintendent
Provide clarification for all Committee Members the role of the superintendent based upon the superintendent job description, and the superintendent's priorities as agreed upon by both the Board of School Committee and the superintendent.
Focus the district on goals and priorities
Lead to transparent measures of performance and reasonable targets to meet
Clarify areas where the board-superintendent relationship can be enhanced and improved
Board of School Committee Member Commitments
Participate in the agreed upon process with honesty and integrity.
Each Committee Member should rate all performance indicators and goals/priorities based upon evidence.
Evidence should be aligned to the performance standards, the individual indicators, and the goals/priorities.
Identify the Superintendent’s strengths and areas for improvement and make a recommendation for improving performance.
Participate in the evaluation discussion, and agree to goals/priorities for the next year.
Superintendent Commitments
Understand, agree to, and participate in the articulated process.
Gather data, documents, and other evidence to support performance in relation to the standards and progress toward achieving goals/priorities.
Finalize goals/priorities and end-of-year evaluation with the Board of School Committee.
The Manchester Board of School Committee shall follow the September-August timeline for the evaluation of the Superintendent because the school year evaluation will allow for evaluation of each year’s work.
| Month |
Process, goals/priorities are mutually established
| August-September
Superintendent presentation on progress toward goals/priorities, with supporting evidence. Board-Superintendent discussion about progress, adjustments, and questions/clarification.
| May/June |
Annual evaluation
| June |
In a September, the Board of School Committee and the Superintendent will agree upon the following items:
Evaluation instrument
Evaluation timeline
Process for compiling the year-end evaluation
The superintendent’s goals/priorities for the year
Formative Evaluation
In June, the superintendent provides an update for the Board of School Committee with available evidence. Committee Members will provide written feedback and questions and submit it to the Board Chair. The Board Chair will meet with the superintendent and share the feedback, discuss progress, and make adjustments to goals/priorities if needed.
Final Evaluation
By June 15, the superintendent will provide the Board of School Committee with evidence to support each standard in the evaluation.
By June 30, each Committee Member will evaluate the superintendent individually and independently using the approved evaluation form (see Appendix A). Each Committee Member will sign and date their evaluation.
After completing their written evaluation of the superintendent, each Committee Member will turn in their completed evaluation to the Board Clerk. The Board Clerk will provide the Board Chair the 15 evaluations.
By July 31, The Board Chair and Vice Chair will meet and review the evaluations, and based upon those evaluations will write an overall evaluation on behalf of the entire Board of School Committee.
The written evaluation shall include evidence for ratings and comments to the superintendent for each standard in the spaces provided.
By August 15, The Chair and Vice Chair will meet with the superintendent and review the written evaluation. The annual written evaluation will have attached copies of each Committee Member’s individual evaluations.
The superintendent will have the opportunity to include comments for each standard in the space provided on the evaluation form.
At an August Board of School Committee meeting, under Confidential Cover, the Board will vote to accept the evaluation. If the evaluation is satisfactory, the Board will also vote to extend the superintendent’s contract as agreed upon by both the Board of School Committee and the superintendent.
The Board of School Committee Chair and superintendent sign completed and approved evaluation form.
History: Revised from November 23, 2020
First Reading Policy Committee: November 15, 2023
Second Reading and Approval BOSC: November 27, 2023