MSD Policies


105 Line and Staff Relations

[CCB: Line and Staff Relations]

General Operations

The following principles shall govern the administrative operation of the District:

1.      Each school shall be encouraged to develop appropriate educational programs for the students attending that school, consistent with district goals and adopted programs, School Board policy, state law, and State Board regulations.

2.      The Superintendent shall have specific responsibility for overseeing the pattern and sequence of educational experiences provided for students from prekindergarten through grade 12.

3.      Responsibility shall flow simply and clearly from the support staff, teachers, principals, Assistant Superintendents, central-administrative staff, and the Superintendent to the School Board.

4.      Each member of the staff shall be informed to whom s/he is responsible.

5.      Whenever feasible, each member of the staff shall be made responsible to only one immediate superior for any one function.

6.      Each staff member shall be told to whom s/he can go for help in working out his/her own functions in the District.


Line of Responsibility

Each employee in the District shall be responsible to the Board through the Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendents, central administration Staff and their respective School Principal.

All personnel shall refer matters requiring administrative action to the administrator immediately in charge of the area in which the problem arises.

Administrators shall refer such matters to the next higher authority when necessary.

History: Revised from January 8, 2001

First Reading Policy Committee: November 15, 2023

Second Reading and Approval BOSC: November 27, 2023