MSD Policies


106 School Building Administration

[CF: School Building Administration]

The Board reaffirms the rights and responsibilities of the building principals for the administration of their various programs and buildings within the broad scope of the adopted Board policies.

Specifically, the principal of an individual school is the responsible head and professional leader in the development of the educational program and the improvement of instruction in the School of which s/he is the Principal. General operation, fiscal management and instructional leadership will be provided by the principal through a site based management model. All personnel will work through and under the direction of the Principal in the performance of their duties within his/her school.


All building principals shall be responsible for the school buildings and grounds to which they are assigned. They shall be responsible for and-shall have authority over the actions of students, professional and non-professional employees, visitors, volunteers, and persons hired to perform special tasks.

All principals shall keep the Superintendent and/or his/her designee informed of activities in their buildings.

A principal shall attend Board meetings as requested by the Superintendent or his/her designee or the Board.

History: Revised from January 8, 2001

First Reading Policy Committee: November 15, 2023

Second Reading and Approval BOSC: November 27, 2023