MSD Policies


108 Building Principal(s) Evaluation

[CFB: Building Principals Evaluation]

The Superintendent or his/her designee shall conduct an ongoing process of evaluating the principal(s) on his/her skills, abilities, and competence. Annually, the Superintendent or his/her designee will formally evaluate the principal(s).

The goal of the formal evaluation process is to ensure an effective educational program is provided for students; to promote growth in effective administrative leadership for the school district; to clarify the building principal's role from the perspective of the Board and the Superintendent; to ascertain areas in need of improvement, and to focus the immediate priorities of the principal's (s') responsibilities.

The formal evaluation shall include an opportunity for the principal and the superintendent to discuss written performance criteria, the past year's performance and future areas of growth. The evaluation shall be completed by the Superintendent or his/her designee, signed by the building principal and filed in the principal's personnel file. The principal may make comments responding to the formal evaluation.

This policy supports and does not preclude the ongoing informal evaluation of the principal's skills, abilities and competence.

Statutory & Regulatory References

RSA 189:14-a (Failure to be Renominated or Reelected)

RSA 189:14-b (Review by State Board)

Littkey v. Winchester School District, 219 NH 626 (1987)

NH Code of Administrative Rules Part 302 Duties of Superintendents

NH Code of Administrative Rules Part 304 Duties of School Principals

History: Revised from January 8, 2001

First Reading Policy Committee: November 15, 2023

Second Reading and Approval BOSC: November 27, 2023