MSD Policies


116 Athletics Program

[JJICA: Athletics Program]

  1. The Board of School Committee shall appoint a school district athletic director after nominations by the Superintendent; building level athletic coordinators on the recommendation of the Director of Athletics and the Superintendent or their designee. The Committee on Teaching and Learning shall establish the duties and responsibilities of the school district athletic director and building level athletic coordinators.

    2. The accounts of a building level athletic coordinator shall detail the receipts and expenses for each sports activity for his/her school. Annual reports shall be submitted by the building level athletic coordinator to the department.

    3. Each principal shall supervise the athletic program at his/her school.

    4. The building level athletic coordinator shall be responsible to her/his principal and the school district athletic director and shall administer the athletic program at his/her schools. Athletic program personnel shall be responsible to their respective building level athletic coordinator and the school district athletic director.

    5. The board shall appoint athletic program personnel on an annual contract basis, renewable automatically, on recommendation of the Director of Athletics and the superintendent or his/her designee.

    6. The resignation or termination of athletic personnel shall be submitted to human resources by the Director of Athletics and the superintendent or his/her designee.

    7. Suspension of athletic personnel shall be submitted to human resources the board upon recommendation of the Director of Athletics and the superintendent or her/his designee.

    8. Salaries of athletic program personnel shall be paid from the annual athletic department budget appropriation. Coaches will be compensated at the rate established in the district’s operating budget and/or collective bargaining agreement, if applicable.

    9. Eligibility regulations shall conform to those established by the NHIAA and the school district athletic policy.

    A. Persons selected for coaching positions must meet the “Coaches Eligibility” criteria

    Established by the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association (NHIAA).   

    Coaches must also receive ongoing and continuing education and training as required

    or recommended by NHIAA.

    B. Additionally, persons selected for coaching positions must be at least 21 years of

    age, have a valid driver’s license and have at least a high school diploma.


    C. All persons approved by the Board for coaching positions will be subject to

    criminal background checks pursuant to RSA 189:13-a.

    10. Secondary school athletic activities may be scheduled for six days each week, leaving one weekend day free. With the approval of the school principal, practice may take place on both weekend days in cases where such arrangements are necessary due to scheduling demands and/or tournaments.

    11. All coaching positions will be for one season only. The athletic director and principal will make re-appointment proposals for the following season. The recommendation for re-appointment will be made by the Superintendent and forwarded to the School Board for approval. A coach may be dismissed from his/her duties at any time for unprofessional conduct, violation of School Board policies, violation of expectations and responsibilities, and/or any unethical behavior that places students in danger or places the District in an unprofessional light. Coaches are required to adhere to all school board policies relative to codes of conduct, behavior, and expectations.  Additionally, coaches are required to adhere to all standards of sportsmanship established in School Board policies and/or by NHIAA. Violation of any code of conduct may result in immediate termination and/or dismissal.

    History: Revised from: August 1994, February 2006

    First Reading Policy Committee:  March 20, 2024

    Second Reading and Adoption by BOSC: March 25, 2024