MSD Policies
126 Vending Machines
[EFE: Vending Machines]
The installation and use of vending machines in the schools shall be to complement the school lunch program and reinforce good eating habits. Contents of the vending machines shall follow Manchester School District Policy Safety128 (Wellness and Nutrition).
Vending machines dispensing nutritious food or beverages to students are permitted in the schools at the discretion of the school principal, in consultation with the Director of the School Food and Nutrition Services (SFNS) Program. The service and sale of all food and beverages to students during school hours is under the control of the SFNS department, and revenue from such sales will be deposited and accrued to the food service revenue budget. Vending machines may be operated at the discretion of the school principal after school hours for student use. The profits derived from such operations will accrue to the Principal fund of the school’s student activities fund.
Vending machines for food or beverages located in employee lounges are for employee use only. The funds derived from such operation shall accrue in the Principal funds of the student activities fund.
Operation and financial management of these machines shall be the responsibility of the principal, or his/her designee and shall be compliant with Policy: Student 135 (Student Activities Fund Management) and Safety 128 (Wellness and Nutrition).
No other food or beverage vending machines, other than authorized above, are permitted in school buildings.
The Superintendent or designee shall draft procedures for the implementation of this policy and accompanying regulations, below.
The following regulations shall govern vending machine installation in school facilities within the Manchester School District.
1. Automatic vending machines for the dispensing of food, beverages or other approved items are authorized in any school facility in the school district provided that all contracts for such vending machines are approved by the Board of School Committee or its designee as provided by this policy. Review of vending contracts shall occur on an annual basis.
2. All vending machines shall be under the supervision of the principal or his/her designee of the facility in which the machines is located. The principal shall be responsible for the supervision of the operation of and the fiscal management of the machines in compliance with this policy.
3. The items to be dispensed from a vending machine located in a school facility shall be approved by the principal or other person in charge of that facility. All food, beverages or other items approved shall be appropriate to the school setting and comply with the Manchester School District’s Wellness Policy regarding nutrition (Safety 128).
4. Machines dispensing cigarette or tobacco products or any other prohibited substances pursuant to Board Policy Foundations 104 (Tobacco Products Ban) and Foundations 102 (Drug-Free Workplace/ Schools) are not authorized under any circumstances.
5. Vending machines shall dispense items only during the hours specified in the regulations of Policy Safety 128 (Wellness and Nutrition). Vending machines shall be equipped with automatic timers. Vending machines should not be operated in competition with the school cafeteria or food service program. The principal or any other person in charge of the school facility shall regulate the hours or operation of any machine.
6. Vending machines shall be located to meet any applicable building, fire or life/safety codes and to provide convenience of operation, accessibility and ease of maintenance. The principal or other person in charge of the facility shall review the location of each machine with appropriate maintenance and food service staff.
7. All contracts for the purchase or rental of vending machines shall be considered by the Board of School Committee or its designee on a facility-by-facility basis or on an exclusive district-wide basis
8. The Board of School Committee designates the Superintendent, in consultation with the Executive Director of Finance and Director of the School Food and Nutrition Services program to approve all contracts for vending machines. Any contract not made in compliance with this policy shall be void. Any district employee signing an unauthorized contract may be subject to personal liability thereon and may be disciplined for said action.
9. All vending machines shall be installed at the expense of the facility in which they are located.
10. All financial responsibility for the maintenance and repair of machines, to the extent not addressed in the contract, shall rest with the individual facility in which the machine is located.
11. No teacher, administrator, school district employee or board member shall have a vested interest, directly or indirectly, in a vending machine contract with the school district nor personally benefit financially from the proceeds generated from vending machines.
12. Proceeds from vending machine sales not related to the School Food and Nutrition Program and contracts shall be under the control of the Board of School Committee, shall be accounted for in one of the regular school district or student activity funds, and shall be accounted for and reported in compliance with established accounting procedures and policies of the Manchester School District.
13. Pursuant to the vending machine contract or otherwise, proper auditing and inventory control procedures shall be established to ensure than commissions are being correctly calculated and paid. These controls conducted by the vendor shall include daily, weekly or other periodic inventories and written reconciliation of variances between inventory and cash.
14. When cash is removed from, or inventory is added to a machine, a written reconciliation between cash and inventory must be performed by the person taking the cash from the machine. A written reconciliation report must be signed and a copy shall be retained in the principal’s office. The original written reconciliation report shall be filed with the District’s business office monthly.
History: Revised from: 06/08/2009, 01/14/2013
First Reading Policy Committee: June 5, 2024
Second Reading and BOSC Adoption: June 24, 2024