MSD Policies


125 Middle and High School Grading System


This policy facilitates the implementation of a grading philosophy aligned with research-based practices and standards-based instruction.

Statement of Policy:

The three primary goals of grading are to communicate progress and knowledge acquisition, provide feedback to students, and inform instructional decisions.  The Manchester School District Grading System aims to articulate a framework that promotes consistency in grading and reporting student progress. 

Superintendent designees will develop a grading system appropriate for the education bands of the respective schools. The grading system will be approved by the Board of School Committee and published in the Student/Parent Handbook. Decisions made about individual student grades will be made at the building level and shall be final.

Beginning September 1, 2022, the grading system, points values and definitions used for middle and high schools in the Manchester School District for the ‘22-’23 SY are as follows:

Traditional Letter  Scale

Traditional Numerical Scale

Standard Referenced/ Competency Based Scale*


95 - 100%



85 - 94.9%



70 - 84.9%



65 - 69.9%



Less than 65%


*Scale utilized at Manchester School of Technology - High School and some specific coursework within traditional grading systems.  Scale does not equate to the Traditional Numerical Scale.

**Shaded areas indicate credit earned (see downloaded document).

The Board believes it is essential that a student’s family be regularly and fully informed of their child’s progress towards proficiency in their education. Progress grade reporting shall be clear and accurate.  Specific student performance expectations for each grade band will communicate what students know and can do to students, families, and educators. 

Teachers must notify the parents of failing students at least three weeks before the end of the marking period. Teachers are also encouraged to call parents or have personal conferences as needed.  Understanding grades are dynamic and can change within the three weeks prior to grades closing.  



ED 306.23(p) (High School Curriculum)


First Reading, Teaching and Learning 10/18/23; Second Reading and Adoption BOSC 11.13.23

First Reading: 8/17/22; Second Reading and Adoption BOSC 8/22/22

08/94 Revised as follows:  06/25/2018

Curriculum and Instruction: 02/20/01

First Reading Coordination: 06/13/01

Second Reading and Adoption BOSC: 07/09/01