MSD Policies
127 High School Promotion Requirements
Starting with the graduating class of 2027, the minimum requirements for promotion from one high school grade level to the next are:
● Two semesters and five credits to be a sophomore
● Four semesters and eleven credits to be a junior
● Six semesters and seventeen credits to be a senior
If a student has not met the minimum requirements mentioned above, s/he shall be promoted to the next grade level only under the following conditions:
If s/he passes additional classes during the following academic semester to make up the deficiency, and/or
S/He completes required course work in summer school.
All promotions to the next grade level shall occur at the semester break or at the end of the school year.
All teachers and/or administrators from schools or programs outside of a student’s local school shall provide a student’s grades to the local school in to confirm a student’s eligibility for graduation. Local schools shall obtain a student’s grades for other schools or programs if not received eight days prior to the day of graduation.
Local schools shall confirm a student’s eligibility for graduation no later than eight days prior the day of graduation.
If for any reason a student’s eligibility is in question the day of graduation, the student shall be allowed to walk with their class and the receipt of their diploma will be held until it is verified the student has met the minimum credit requirements for graduation.
No diploma shall be conferred unless a student has successfully earned the required number of credits before the day of graduation.
Revised from 2/06, 5/14/12; 1/14/2013
First Reading at Teaching and Learning Committee: January 24, 2024
Second Reading and BOSC Adoption: February 12, 2024