MSD Policies


127A Suicide Prevention Policy

The Board of School Committee is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of its students and school community. This policy supports federal, state and local efforts to provide education on youth suicide awareness and prevention; to establish methods of prevention, intervention, and response to suicide or suicide attempt (“postvention”); and to promote access to suicide awareness, prevention and postvention resources.  

A.    District Suicide Prevention Plan and Biennial Review.  The Superintendent shall develop and provide to the Board for approval, a coordinated written District Suicide Prevention Plan (the “Plan”) to include guidelines, protocols and procedures with the objectives of prevention, risk assessment, intervention and response to youth suicides and suicide attempts. 

1.    Specific Requirements for Plan Terms: The District Suicide Prevention Plan shall include terms relating to:

a.    Suicide prevention (risk factors, warning signs, protective factors, referrals);

b.    Response to in-or-out-of-school student suicides or suicide attempts (postvention, suicide contagion);

c.     Student education regarding safe and healthy choices, coping strategies, recognition of risk factors and warning signs of mental health disorders and suicide; and help seeking strategies;

d.    Training of staff, designated volunteers, and contracted personnel on the issues of youth suicide risk factors, warning signs, protective factors, response procedures, referrals, post-intervention and resources available within the school and community;

e.    Confidentiality considerations;

f.      Designation of any personnel, in addition to the District Suicide Prevention Coordinator and Building Suicide Prevention Liaisons, to act as points of contact when students are believed to be at an elevated risk of suicide; 

g.    Information regarding state and community resources for referral, crisis intervention, and other related information;

h.    Dissemination of the Plan or information about the Plan to students, parents, faculty, staff, and school volunteers;

i.      Promotion of cooperative efforts between the District and its schools and community suicide prevention program personnel;

j.      Such include such other provisions deemed appropriate to meet the objectives of this Policy (e.g., student handbook language, reporting processes, “postvention” strategies, memorial parameters, etc.).

 2.    Biennial Review:  No less than every two years, the Superintendent, in consultation with the Director of Comprehensive School Counseling with input and evidence from community health or suicide prevention organizations, and District health and counseling personnel, shall update the District Suicide Prevention Plan, and present the same to the Board for review.  Such plan updates shall be submitted to the Board in time for appropriate budget consideration.

 B.   Suicide Prevention Coordinator and Liaisons.

 1. District Suicide Prevention Coordinator.  The Superintendent shall appoint a District Suicide Prevention Coordinator, who, under the direction of the Director of Comprehensive School Counseling shall be responsible for:

a)    Developing and maintaining cooperative relationships with and coordination efforts between the District and community suicide prevention programs and personnel;

b)    Annual updating of (i) State and community crisis or intervention, referral intervention information, and (ii) names and contact information of Building Suicide Prevention Liaisons, for inclusion on the District’s website;

c)    Collaborate with building liaisons on the development and implementation of age appropriate student educational programming, such that all students receive information in the importance of safe and healthy choices and coping strategies, recognizing risk factors and warning signs of mental health disorders and suicide in oneself and others, and providing help-seeking strategies for oneself or others, including how to engage school resources and refer friends for help;

d)    Developing or assisting in the development of annual staff training required under section C of this policy;

e)    Such other duties as referenced in this Policy or as assigned by the Director of Comprehensive School Counseling.

2.    Building Suicide Prevention Liaison.   The Building Principal, or designee shall be designated as the Building Suicide Prevention Liaison and shall serve as the in building point-of-contact person when a student is believed to be at an elevated risk for suicide.  Employees who have reason to believe a student is at risk of suicide, or is exhibiting risk factors for suicide, shall report that information to the School Counselor, who shall, immediately or as soon as possible, establish and implement a response plan. The Building Principal and/or the Building Liaison along with other necessary staff (ie: Nurse, Social Worker, Behavioral Health Counselor etc.) will be notified immediately or as soon as possible about the concern and the response plan. The District Suicide Prevention Coordinator will be notified as necessary, per the response plan protocol.

 C. Annual Staff Training.  The Superintendent shall assure that all school building faculty and staff, designated volunteers, and any other personnel who have regular contact with students, including contracted personnel or third-party employees, receive at least two hours of training in suicide awareness and prevention.  Such training may include such matters as youth suicide risk factors, warning signs, protective factors, intervention, response procedures, referrals, and postvention and local resources. 

 D. Dissemination.  The District’s website will be updated each year with the contact information for the Building Suicide Prevention Liaisons, State and community crisis or intervention resources.  The District Suicide Prevention Plan will be made available on the District’s, and each school’s respective websites. 

Revised:  Adopted 8.10.2020              

First Reading at Policy Committee: August 21, 2024

Second Reading & BOSC Adoption: August 26, 2024

Legal References:  

RSA 193-J: Suicide Prevention Education

Legal References Disclaimer: These references are not intended to be considered part of this policy, nor should they be taken as a comprehensive statement of the legal basis for the Board to enact this policy, nor as a complete recitation of related legal authority. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the policy 


Other Resources: