MSD Policies


105 Admission of Resident Students


All families registering a student with the Manchester School District must provide the following documentation as part of the registration process:

1.    Child’s birth certificate

2.    Two (2) proofs of residence

a.      Utility bill indicating legal residence (i.e. phone, cable, electricity, water)

b.      Lease agreement or rent receipt indicating landlord’s address and phone number.

c.      Official letters from organizations such as the Manchester Housing Authority (Must be original letter on letterhead and signed by organization’s representative.)

d.      Documentation of homeownership in the city of Manchester

3.    Verification of Health History: the students most recent well child exam and immunizations records as available from your doctor's office. Students need to have a complete physical exam, or an appointment to have one, before starting school if the current one is more than one year old.

A student’s home school will be determined by their home address as listed on the two proofs of residency. A Court order or other official documentation may be required for guardianship. An exception may be made by following BOSC Policy Students 105.1: Homeless Students.

Class size limits at time of enrollment may results in students being assigned to another school within the district. 

Special Permission:

It is understood that the Superintendent or their designee reserves the right to grant special permission for attendance at schools other than those considered to be the home school of the student.

Special permission may be granted for reasons including, but not limited to special education students, hardship cases (childcare arrangements are not considered hardship cases), or other extenuating circumstances as determined by the administrator. The administration further reserves the right to limit special exceptions based on class sizes and overall school enrollment.

Children who register for school after the beginning of the school year, insisting upon entering a particular school based on their processed residence, shall be allowed to register, and be given a ten-day grace period to produce proof of residence. In such instances, a signed and notarized statement of residence must be submitted.

Statutory Reference:

RSA 193:12 (Legal Residence Required)

Technical Advisory JFA — R

Appendix JFAB-R


History: Revised from July 1995, December 2001

First Reading Policy Committee: May 15, 2024

Second Reading and Approval BOSC: May 28, 2024